8 Ways to Sexiness in Retirement!

Elvis Presley - You are Always on My Mind

Elvis Presley probably made more changes to the sexual revolution in the 50s and 60s than any other artist.  His gyrating hips that Ed Sullivan couldn't show on TV certainly got talked about!

We went through major changes as to how people in our generation thought about marriage .... and sex outside of marriage.  Roles changed too.  No longer was the woman's role in the home raising the kids.  It became acceptable for women to be wage earners.  Many men found it difficult to give up their role as the "hunter" or main wage earner during the 60s and the following years.  It was definitely a shift in everyone's thinking!

Now, 50 years later, in some ways my generation is still struggling with the changes.  It was okay to talk about sex with your girlfriends or your spouse before but it didn't necessarily happen because we were taught that it was a taboo subject.  Even when there was communication between friends and spouses the info was based on other's values.  Now it's right out there on social media sites.  We can gather information in the privacy of our homes and make our choices based on what we read from hundreds of informants. 

Thank goodness we no longer have to make our decisions on how we are going to think and act based on information found in books like Love, Sex, and Birth Control!  There are some things that definitely needed to be left behind in the 60s!

Just imagine that you are in your 60s now and looking for the perfect passionate partner.  Maybe it wasn't where you planned to be at this age but it's happened.  Certain things have to be in place for a relationship to be passionately compatible.

1. Spark
Love at first sight is strictly the pheromones jumping. For a long-term passionate relationship to work there has to be an initial spark on both sides. Gradually the flame gets stronger. Remember though, if the flame is too big and hot to begin with you will probably get burned!

2. Self Evaluation
What does the perfect love partner look like to you at this point in your life? Does it mean having sex 3 times a day or once a week? Does it mean sitting on the sofa holding hands or maybe going for a walk together but keeping the sexual part of a relationship very low key or even non-existent? Or possibly a perfect partnership for you requires constant heated discussions about every topic with your partner. It’s important to know how you define passion and then look for a person who has the same needs and passion.

3. Values
What are your beliefs and values? Are they similar to those of your new boyfriend or girlfriend? If he wants to show affection in public and you find that very uncomfortable, there are going to be problems right away. Passion is something that must be shared in similar ways.  Is financial security really important to you? Children and grandchildren may play a huge role in a mature relationship so how much time do you give to family and to each other? Having a Christian relationship is very important to some and no marriage may mean no sex even in the 60s.  You better be on the same page right away.

Talk about your values. If they aren't very much alike, issues will arise quickly. Don’t expect the other person to change. Values aren’t negotiable.

4. Age
Age differences of over 10 years can create problems as the relationship develops and the couple gets to know one another better. It can work out well if the level of passion is similar, though not necessarily for the long-term. If one person is in their 60s and the other person is still ready to have babies, are you both ready for the life-long commitment?

Passion is also about attitude. A person who has a positive attitude about life is going to generate a passionate glow around them and attract others toward them. The one thing that a person must be aware of though is opposites often attract. Someone who isn’t passionate will often be drawn to a dynamic individual who exudes passionate energy. Your positive energy can be quickly drained if you aren’t aware it is happening.  Passion for everything in life is so rewarding. If you are lucky enough to find your passionate partner, enjoy every minute!

I’m well over 60 but I’m still being told I look much younger. Old age is really only in our heads. I try to keep a smile on my face and eat right and exercise gently. I have an eating routine I follow that’s quite effective and leaves me satisfied and full of energy when I follow it.  I still enjoy an occasional glass of wine but I gave up smoking a number of years ago. 

Stress is probably the hardest thing for me to deal with at my age.  Finding effective ways to let go of the stress is challenging at times.  A couple of things I do is go for tanning sessions and also occasional massages http://www.livestrong.com/article/160422-value-of-massage-therapy/.  I also try to get out walking, even on an indoor track, when the winter blahs set in!  A Regular sex life is a great stress reliever too, especially for healthy people in their 60s. Check out Pyschology Today at http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/love-and-gratitude/201207/activity-sex-laughter-and-meditation-are-stress-relief-secrets

It's hard to explain to someone younger but there is a point when we reach our 60s that we finally accept where we are at.  We become much more comfortable in our own skin.  Enjoy it while you can because during the next 25 years of life our bodies may be aging quicker than our minds ......or it could be the other way around!

PS - This article is dedicated to Lorraine....I promised her Elvis!

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